
About Makulit

Xrysto Castillo is an artist and chef currently living in Portland OR. Born and raised in California, where they started their culinary journey in 2016. Then moved to the PNW in 2020 to pursue their dream of opening up a Filipino inspired food truck. Xrysto is now co-owner of Makulit, a Filipino-American fast food cart. When not in the kitchen, they enjoy time spent roller skating with friends, playing video games, or listening to vinyl.

Mike Bautista is an artist born in Manila, Philippines. He moved to Portland looking for work in graphic design but fell in love with the food. Dismayed by office culture, he switched careers to work at a restaurant so that he can better spend his free time making art. He has been stuck in the food service industry ever since. 

In 2023, he opened Makulít with friend Xrysto Castillo as a way to express their shared love of food, community, and goofing off. When not working, you can find Mike playing video games, making comics, or napping in the sun.




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