
Tambayan’s participation in Filipino food month is important to us because of what all of us can bring together collectively. We consider ourselves one of the oldest running Filipino restaurants in Portland but that does not mean we stake the claim of being the “only” Filipino restaurant out there. Regardless of generation, province of origin, or immigrant story, we are all a part of Portland’s Filipino Food Diaspora. We are building a community of Filipinos in a place where many wouldn’t consider being a haven for us. The cultural impact that we will create will be monumental for our growth for our community and many generations to come. Even though many have been detached from the culture, our common language that we have is food. Together, we can share our stories, our strengths, and our love to one another simply with a meal.

About Chef/Owner Cindy Nelson

Cindy Nelson, hailing from Manila, Philippines, is the vibrant force behind Tambayan Restaurant, a cherished gem in Portland, Oregon's culinary scene. As one of the original Filipino restaurants in the city, Tambayan holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike, offering an authentic taste of Filipino cuisine that's hard to find elsewhere.

After a fulfilling career in corporate travel spanning over two decades, Cindy followed her heart's calling to share the flavors of her homeland with the Portland community. Tambayan's menu boasts classic Filipino dishes like Adobo, Crispy Pata, Lechon, and Sinigang, meticulously crafted to satisfy cravings and ignite nostalgia.

Beyond serving delicious food, Tambayan embodies a welcoming atmosphere where guests feel like family. Cindy's commitment to hospitality extends to philanthropy. Tambayan isn't just a restaurant; it's a hub of community engagement and mentorship. Cindy's dedication to education shines through her support for employees pursuing academic goals while working. She believes in giving back to the community, whether it's feeding the homeless or sponsoring families in need.

At Tambayan, every dish is infused with love, tradition, and Cindy's unwavering passion for Filipino cuisine. Come join us for a culinary journey that celebrates heritage, flavor, and the joy of sharing good food with good company.


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